Getting divorced will affect your life in many ways. You likely already know that it will affect your finances, your legal and tax status and your time with your children – if you have any.
Here are a couple of other things divorce will affect that you might not have thought about much yet.
1. The circles you keep
Divorce is as good a time as any to review your other relationships. Unless you and your spouse are separating on fantastic terms, you should accept that some social relationships will change.
Some of the circles you moved in may be more your spouses than yours so remaining part of them might no longer be an option. You might find that you only really connected with one or two people in that group and can continue seeing each other outside of the larger group events. Other groups may no longer be an option for either of you, as they are very much couples only.
Divorce could also be an opportunity to rekindle relationships that have dwindled over the years or to even create new ones.
2. Your time
You could have more time on your hands, less, or somewhere in between. Maybe you will have more because you will no longer be watching TV with your spouse each night, or traveling to visit their parents on weekends. Or maybe you will have less as you have young children to care for and your soon-to-be ex is moving out of the state to live with their new partner.
Thinking about how you will use that time is wise before entering into divorce negotiations. Maybe you request spousal support for a year so you can use your free time to study to advance your career prospects. Or perhaps you request a greater share of assets as you will no longer be able to work as much due to having the kids more.
Seeking more information about the divorce process, the things you must consider and the various options available can increase the chance that divorce helps you create the happier life you deserve.